Wednesday, July 28, 2010


One child has two new holes in her head, and we're trying to prevent the other one from getting holes in her head... or breaking any bones!

Sydney got her ears pierced on Monday. She ran down the stairs at 11:15PM Sunday night. I thought something was wrong. She asked me if I'd take her to get her ears pierced in the morning. I couldn't believe it. She has always been too scared to do it. So, I took her the next day, and she went through with it. She picked the white gold & CZ earrings (of course, because they were the "sparkliest"). She is so excited about them!

Our littlest chickadee has learned how to climb the stairs. This child is everywhere! She learned to crawl a few weeks ago, and she was pulling up three days later. Now, two weeks later, she is climbing the stairs! The gate is getting installed tonight because I am tired of chasing her. But she is very proud of her accomplishment.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hello Strangers!

Well, it has been a while since my last post. I made the last one a few days before I was laid off from my job. It has been quite a difficult time for me. With the lay off, we not only lost the income, but insurance benefits for the entire family. With two children, that is a big deal, but God is in control and has blessed us with our health. I am looking for a job, but the job market here is about the same as everywhere else- not much available! I did get a call today about some openings at a surgery center, so pray with me about that!

I have been enjoying extra time with the kids since I haven't been working. I'm pretty good at this stay at home mom thing. I get to spend time with the kids, keep the house in pretty decent order, and get supper cooked at a reasonable time. I need to hurry up and find a job because I could really get used to this!

So, I know you've all been on the edge of your seats wondering what we've all been up to, so here are some updates on everyone:


  • Still working all the time

  • Got a toilet seat for Father's Day in retaliation for the phone charger I got for Mother's Day. (He also got a portrait of the girls in Alabama Crimson Tide dresses, a shirt, pajamas with handprints and footprints from the girls, and a book.)
  • Has been mowing the huge yard with the push mower because the riding mower (that belongs to our landlords and they so graciously have let us borrow) bit the dust.


  • Celebrated my 8 year wedding anniversary with Stephen on June 15th. We got take out from Olive Garden, sat Avery in the middle of the table with a breadstick, and "enjoyed" a meal together before we retired to the living room and fell asleep. It was just perfect!

  • Still haven't lost any of the baby weight.

  • Still not getting much sleep!

  • In amazement that I will soon have a second grader and that Avery will be a year old in 4 short months. I've already started looking at cakes!


  • Got out of school on June 8th. She finished 1st grade with all A's and "S" in everything except "Controls Verbal Expression." She cannot keep her mouth shut. I was able to attend her end of the year music program. They did Bambi as a musical.
  • Has enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in since school has been out.
  • Beat all the monsters on her Scooby Doo Wii game. (Thank goodness. I am tired of that thing.)
  • Has been practicing her skate boarding skills. LOL!
  • Gives free concerts and acrobatic shows during the commercials when we watch America's Got Talent.


  • Has finally learned to sit up well.
  • Is still rolling all over the place instead of crawling, but she does at least get up on all fours.
  • Is currently taking her diaper off while I am trying to write this blog entry.
  • Says "ma ma" but does it with her tongue out, so I'm sure it's not really mama, but I pretend that it is!
  • Still loves food and eats all the time but is still tiny. She still hasn't made it to 13 pounds. Soon though, soon.

Maybe I can get some pictures in the next post. Right now, I've got to go cover up a naked baby behind!