Wednesday, July 28, 2010


One child has two new holes in her head, and we're trying to prevent the other one from getting holes in her head... or breaking any bones!

Sydney got her ears pierced on Monday. She ran down the stairs at 11:15PM Sunday night. I thought something was wrong. She asked me if I'd take her to get her ears pierced in the morning. I couldn't believe it. She has always been too scared to do it. So, I took her the next day, and she went through with it. She picked the white gold & CZ earrings (of course, because they were the "sparkliest"). She is so excited about them!

Our littlest chickadee has learned how to climb the stairs. This child is everywhere! She learned to crawl a few weeks ago, and she was pulling up three days later. Now, two weeks later, she is climbing the stairs! The gate is getting installed tonight because I am tired of chasing her. But she is very proud of her accomplishment.

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