Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Spring arrived several weeks ago in Panama City. There is pollen everywhere. My black van looks like it has a light coat of yellow paint on it. Our allergies always get worse when the pollen arrives. Sydney, Avery, and I went and sat on the swing for a while yesterday after I finished working. I think I used half a box of Kleenex when we got back inside. Avery really loves being outside. I wish the bumble bees would not try to land in my head. They drive me nuts. We have lots of flowers in the yard, and the bees are everywhere. I read that bumble bees are hesitant to use their stingers, but I still don't want them in my hair!

Sydney has really been enjoying the weather. She is coughing and sneezing every second, but she wants to be outside anyway. I am glad that she is getting out and getting more exercise. I am afraid she inherited my metabolism. She gets so mad at me when I make her eat yogurt, cheese, or fruit for snack. She is a junk food junkie! She is such a picky eater. I think that stems from the food allergies when she was little. We had to be so cautious about what she ate (EVERYTHING, it seemed, had eggs in it!) that she didn't try much of a variety of things. Now, all she wants is a ham sandwich- ALL... THE... TIME! Anyway, back to outside... She has really enjoyed her trampoline lately. She hops on it as soon as her homework is finished every day. We had a really bad storm a few weeks ago. The wind was so fierce that it ripped the net all the way around. It scares me for her to be on it without the net, but I try to remind myself that we didn't have a net on ours when we were growing up. We only ALMOST killed ourselves a few times.

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I hope that with spring will come lots more beautiful weather, fun for the family, and hopefully a sleep trained baby before summer arrives! We're doing better. Last night I laid Avery in bed when she was really sleepy and had a full belly. I only had to go in there and "shush" her and giver her the pacifer three times before she was out. Now if we can just master that middle of the night thing! We are traveling this weekend, and I'm afraid we may have a few set backs. I hope not, but you know Avery!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I've been thinking this week about "firsts." In only 5 months, Avery has already celebrated her first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day. This Sunday will be her first Easter. I can't believe all these "firsts" have already come and gone!

The Easter Bunny has been very busy getting things ready to fill the girls' baskets. Everything is ready except a little candy and the Easter grass. Stephen hates, hates, hates Easter grass. He says it sticks to everything and gets all over the place! I got a cute white basket with pastel accents at Michael's for Avery. Sydney really needs a new one. Hers is worn out!
I have never purchased a first Easter dress, or a second, or third... This is one of the privileges of being a grandmother I guess. We alternate holidays around here, and whichever grandmother's "turn" it is has always offered to purchase the dress for Sydney. This year, it's Nana's turn, and she offered to get the girls matching pink dresses. She is having someone make them, and I can't wait to see. If it is the same lady who has made Sydney's in the past, it will be beautiful.

All Sydney is worried about is dying and hunting eggs. She is excited about going to church with Grandmommie but wants to know if she's going to have to go to "big church" with us or not and how long she's gonna have to sit there because those seats are always hard and make her bottom hurt! By the way, this isn't a first for her. She complains about stuff like this all the time!

Avery had another first yesterday. Blowing raspberries is her new favorite thing. Yesterday, she decided that blowing them while she had food in her mouth was fun. I had pears all over my clothes, face, and in my hair. She thought it was great and gave me the biggest smile!

Mama called earlier and is sending an Easter package for the girls. Have I mentioned before how spoiled my kids are? They are lucky little girls. When Ben and I were little, our grandparents didn't have the resources to spoil us like my kids get spoiled. They just spoiled us with good food, big hugs, and not letting our parents spank us in their houses! My Mam-ma can still take on my mama if she needs to- even from her wheelchair. LOL!
Here are a few of Sydney's Easters... I can't wait to post Avery's first Easter. I bought her first bunny ears!