Monday, April 19, 2010

As Promised...

Since Avery wasn't feeling well for Easter, and we didn't make it to church, I promised pictures of the girls in the Easter dresses that their Nana had made for them this year. The dresses were beautiful. I wish the pictures had turned out better. Sydney says that the sun hurts her eyes too much, so she had watery, squinted eyes in every picture. Avery was too busy watching the leaves to look at the camera or smile, but here you go anyway!

Avery really likes being outside. I'm thinking about just putting her on the porch in her pack and play every day from now on!
I think we'll try again at the park to take some better pictures. We have to do pictures a few at a time or I start to pull my hair out.

We also took on the task of cleaning Sydney's room this weekend. She wanted more room in there (more room to make messes!), so we took her full size bed out and put the twin bed that we had in the office in there. She insisted on having a new "bed cover." We went to Ross hoping to find a cheap one. They had a green set that would have matched the curtains from her old comforter, but NOOOOOO. She wanted the silky "Suite Life" comforter that matches NOTHING in the room. It was her "prize" for getting all A's and an S in "verbal self-control" on her report card (and if you know Sydney, you know how hard that verbal control is for her), so I let her get it. It was only $15, so it didn't hurt my feelings too bad that it was the ugliest thing in the store!
It took us practically all day to get her room done. She must be the messiest kid on earth. Some of the things we found under her bed were: a roll of toilet paper, an ice tray, wash cloths, a gel eye mask, and of course tons of dirty clothes, towels, toys, and shoes. We got rid of a lot of stuff. (I am not a pack rat and love to throw things away!) We didn't get entirely finished. I am going to clean out her closet tonight if I can get to the grocery store and get supper cooked at a decent time.
She also got to pick the restaurant for dinner on Friday night as part of her report card celebration. She chose Mexican. The last time we went there, I had to go sit in the car with Avery because she pitched such a fit. I was dreading going in there. But this time, she was as happy as could be. She "talked" and smiled at everyone around us. She even sat in her seat almost the whole time so I could eat without holding her. I did have to pick her up eventually. She got a big handful of rice off my plate (which I took away from her) and some guacamole too. I let her taste the guac. She hated it. I figured she would because I'd already tried to feed her avocado, and she hated it. She just wants to be into whatever I have! Sydney, as usual, asked what was for dessert as soon as we sat down. She ate all her tacos so she could have a sopapilla. Avery kept her eye on that, too!
I am hoping to keep the house straight this week (yeah right!) so next weekend won't be spent cleaning. I hate cleaning on the weekend. We have a birthday party and a Girl Scout event to attend on Saturday, so I need to at least keep up with the laundry! Oh the life of a working mother and wife!

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