Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!... A Little Late

Well, it has taken me a while to get to the Easter pictures, but better late than never!

Sydney and I dyed eggs Saturday evening. Sydney loves any kind of art project, so dying eggs is always a favorite activity. She likes to write on them first with an invisible crayon so the design is left when the egg is dyed. This year, we had cross and bunny designs as well as names and "squigglies" as she called them.

Avery layed happily in her bassinet and played with her Ookie while we dyed eggs. She looks like she doesn't have a left hand because the arms on that 3-6 month size Easter sleeper are too long. She'll be 6 months old in a couple of weeks, and she still only weighs a little over 12 pounds. My little petite angel!

As much as Sydney enjoys it, dying eggs is not my favorite activity. Believe it or not, it's not even the mess that bothers me. It's the smell. I HATE the smell of vinegar. I know you can use just water with the dye, but the colors aren't as pretty. So, I deal with it. It's only once a year!

Here's the finished product!

Sydney and Avery both got a visit from the Easter Bunny. He filled their baskets with lots of goodies. Avery wasn't too concerned about what was IN the basket, she just wanted to eat the basket! I'm not sure what Sydney's favorite was, but she got a "chapter book" as she calls them- Junie B. Jones, First Grader: Dumb Bunny. She has already read a few chapters. I'm glad she likes to read!
Avery's First Easter!

Silly Bunny!

We didn't get to go to church this year. Avery had shots on Friday afternoon and was still running fever on Sunday. She was VERY fussy, and I thought it would be a bad idea to take her to church. They might have thought she had the devil in her! Poor baby! Between the shots and teething and her general personality, this Easter weekend was not a happy one for her. I will have to dress them up some time soon in the Easter dresses that Nana had made for them so everyone can see!
Stephen had the job of hiding all the eggs this year. He makes them really hard to find. Sydney usually wants to hide and find them over and over again, but by the time she found them all this time (We hid around 50 eggs.), she was ready to go inside.
The weather was really nice. Well, it actually got a little hot before we finished finding all the eggs. I'm still trying to get used to this Florida weather.

The flowers in the yard are so pretty. I LOVE Wisteria and was pleased to see it blooming up and around the chestnut tree in the front yard. Wisteria is a member of the pea family. I learned that in my college field botany class. I hope that Dr. Stewart would be pleased that I remember something from his class!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! I am so blessed to serve a RISEN SAVIOR!

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