Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today is Avery's 1/2 birthday! We don't really celebrate half birthdays at our house. I know some people celebrate with half a cake or cupcake. Avery would probably just push it in the floor like she does all the toys that I put on the tray in front of her, so I won't waste my time! I just can't believe she is already 6 months old!

She is still the most high maintenance baby I've ever been around in my entire life. We are learning little things that make her happy. She loves the sound of the vacuum and the hair dryer. She really doesn't like many toys. She'd rather play with a piece of paper or watch a red laser pointer move around the ceiling. She LOVES her mama but is starting to enjoy playing with her daddy a lot more. I'm sure she'll learn like Sydney did that he is the "fun" one! She loves to eat. She has been on solids for a couple of months now. We've moved up to the 2nd food size containers of veggies and fruits. She prefers veggies, but will eat just about anything! She pitches a fit when she sees me put the container down when it is empty. She's a little piglet!

Sydney is still trying to adjust to not being the only child anymore. After 6 months, it is a little better but still hard on her sometimes. I still think it will get a little better as Avery grows and can play more with her. Sydney enjoys playing with Avery when she can catch her in a good mood. Here's a video of Avery "copying" Sydney. Sydney thought it was "alarious" as she would say!

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