Friday, April 2, 2010

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!

Some of my fondest memories of childhood are of egg hunts at my Aunt Mary Jane and Uncle Butch's house. They had a big yard and all the cousins would get together and hunt eggs. It seemed like there were tons of kids there. A lot of us were close in age, so it was fun to hunt eggs together. I never found the prize egg, but it was fun anyway.
Sydney has never experienced a big family egg hunt like that. If cousins were money, my children would be broke! (Hint, hint- aunts and uncles- hint, hint!) Well, cousins her own age anyway. We've taken her to some church egg hunts to get the big egg hunt experience in the past.
This week, I decided that instead of having a regular Girl Scout meeting, I'd invite the girls over for an egg hunt. We hid 95 eggs, and I think they found them all! They had so much fun. Sydney really enjoys the competition. Although, she does realize that when she hunts them by herself, she gets all the eggs AND all the prizes and candy inside them! I saw a few of the girls with more eggs share with the girls that didn't find as many. They also sat in a circle at the end and traded candy and prizes. They are so much fun to watch!

I have to take Avery this afternoon for her shots. I hate having to do that. I've put it off as long as I can though, and I finally have a free afternoon to take her. After that, it's back to the house to get things ready to go out of town tomorrow.

Happy Easter Everybody!
Here's a video of the egg hunt and of Avery having some tummy time. She's liking it a LITTLE bit better!

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