Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Smurf Yourself

I am soooo excited about the new smurf movie that is coming out next year. The Smurfs was my favorite Saturday morning cartoon when I was growing up. I don't know what it was about them. Maybe because they're just so darn cute! We will definitely be going to see the movie.

I was thinking about what smurfs our family would be if we were cast in a movie. I would probably be Greedy Smurf. You know, the one that loved to bake all the cakes and pies and would eat it all himself! I love to bake- especially new dessert recipes. I'm not really as bad as Greedy Smurf. I will share. However, if I eat the last piece of cake, I don't feel bad about it- not one bit! Besides, I had to pick Greedy Smurf. They didn't have an Exhausted Mama Smurf!

Jokey Smurf probably best represents Stephen. He probably has the best sense of humor out of all of us, and he loves playing tricks on us. He will have me all beside myself about something. I will just be going crazy, and then he'll tell me that he was just kidding. It is just so funny to him to make me go nuts. He doesn't have to try very hard though!
Sydney, without a doubt, is Vanity Smurf!
She doesn't hesitate in telling you how good she looks in an outfit or how pretty her eyes are. She is constantly into my lotions and perfumes, and I cannot count the number of outfits she has ruined with a tube of greasy, tinted lip gloss from Bath & Body Works!

Now, let's not forget Avery. She'd be none other than Baby Smurf! Of course, Baby Smurf was delivered to the village by a stork. That is definitely not how Avery was delivered, but other than that, she pretty much fits the profile!

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