Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Happens In the Van...

Stays in the van. Ha! No, not really. It usually continues on in the house or wherever we may end up. The craziest conversations get started in there. On the way to school this morning, Sydney asked me when we were moving again. You have to realize that she is used to moving frequently, so she figures it's about time! She asked me if we could move to France next time. She said she wants to move to Paris and live close to "that tower." I told her I wasn't sure I wanted to go that far!

We had a much longer trip in the van last night than we expected. Our electricity went off around 5PM yesterday. I really needed to go to the grocery store, so Sydney, Avery, and I just got in the van, and off we went. Stephen headed to his weekly softball games. I fully expected the lights to be back on when we returned from the store. We reported the outage before we left. So, we got home around 7:45, and still had no electricity. Please keep in mind that when we don't have any electricity, we have no lights, air, or water because we have well water, and the pump won't work. Sydney was mad because she wanted fish sticks, and I couldn't cook them. I turned the van back around and headed back toward town to a drive thru for supper. I just couldn't deal with putting groceries away and trying to fix anything in the dark while Avery was screaming. By this time, Avery is irate because she wants to eat. One good thing about nursing- no preparation or electricity needed! We got back home and lit the candles. Sydney read her AR book to me with the help of a flashlight. Stephen came home from his game a little early to help since we still didn't have electricity. It finally came back on around 9:30. Oh, but the problems didn't end there. We flushed the toilets several times while the power was off. I didn't realize you weren't supposed to do this. (Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go!) The pump couldn't prime, so we couldn't get water in the house. One of our neighbors ended up coming over to help at 10:30. They finally got it going so we could shower this morning. I'll have to bake them a cake or something!

Avery slept through the night last night. Sometimes I wonder if she can just sense that I just can't handle anything else! It was nice to get a few extra hours of sleep after a long day and crazy start to the night.

Speaking of "in the van"... I have gotten so frustrated with radio stations. There is hardly any station around here that is completely "family friendly." It seems like when I was little, country music was pretty wholesome. Now, there are lots of songs with risque topics that Sydney is old enough to understand (or at least ask questions about) or curse words in the lyrics. That upbeat tune is fine until your 7 year old is sitting in the back singing "toes in the water, @$$ in the sand!" I have started listening to 88.3 The Way FM. It is a christian radio station, and the music and morning shows are great. My new favorite song is "Walk on the Water" by Britt Nicole. I just love the music, and the lyrics are really inspiring. Sometimes, you just have to step out on faith- even when you are terrified- to be the person God wants you to be. What are you waiting for?


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the radio stations, they are almost as bad as the tv shows. We were listening the other day to B100 and a song came on saying they were gonna pray for you, I was like ok, then I got to really listening and they were praying that the ex would break a leg, fall in a well and other awful mean things. I turned it really quick. Then the little comic bits they put on and have to bleep out the bad words, Im like if you have to bleep it out then you might not ought to be playing it in the first place. We now just about dont even listen to the radio and when Im by myself it is usually always off, thats about the only total peace and quiet I get
