Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Date Night

Stephen and I had our first date night in a REALLY long time (like since BEFORE I was even pregnant) last Friday night. We went to Uncle Ernie's and had some delicious food! The bread and salad were sooooo good. And we ordered fried portabello mushrooms for an appetizer. I was full before our main course ever got to the table. I ordered fried oysters, and Stephen had fried shrimp. Yum.

I love my kiddos, but it was so nice to go out and spend time together without having to play the games on the kid's menu or hold a fussy baby who is grabbing at your plate while you are trying to eat! It was a nice, quiet evening that was much needed.

Our friends Kevin & Erin were kind enough to babysit for us. Stephen says "them are some good people!" Sydney even ended up spending the night with them. She always has a good time playing with their kids. They said Avery did really well. Thank goodness! Maybe that means they'll do it again some time!

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