Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Get Your Feet Wet

We decided last Saturday to get our feet wet. We headed out for a little family time at the beach at St. Andrews State Park. The Tranum family went too, so all the kids got to play together. It was Avery's first trip to the beach!

The St. Andrews beach area is great for the kids. It has a rock wall that "breaks" the waves. You don't have to worry so much about the kids getting knocked down or carried away by the waves. There are also bathrooms and a snack bar- that ALWAYS helps when you have kids.

Sydney and Cole had fun snorkeling. And Anslee had fun making sure they knew what they were doing. She may only be four, but she's the BOSS!

Stephen, Avery, and I stayed pretty much in the sand. Stephen is NOT a fan of the beach!

Avery and I did venture out a few times and get our toes wet. She really enjoyed the water. Her big sister ALWAYS enjoys it. She is a beach bum for sure!

It was a good day!

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