Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Little Bit of Sweetness

This is really just a shameless post to show off some pictures of Avery and her sweetness! She loves the bath, and I finally took some pics of her. We are going to have to get Sydney's old bath seat out of storage soon, though. She does "baby crunches" the whole time trying to get up and look around! She spends a lot of time sucking the water off of her hands! Can you tell her favorite food is still carrots, hence the forever orange nose!

I also finally got a shot of her in this funny onesie I picked up at Dollar General. They have the funniest onesies there. iPeed, LOL!!!

Another note on Avery... She still will not pick up any finger foods and try to eat them herself, but she loves to sit in my lap when I am eating. She can, and will, grab whatever you are eating and have a little taste. This week, she had a little Rotel Chicken Spaghetti and some ice cream.

Here's a little recipe for some sweetness I'll share with you. These are really good and super easy and quick to make- a good one to do with kids who like to help out in the kitchen...


1 box yellow cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 pkg MILK chocolate chips

Mix all ingredients together by hand. Press evenly in a 9x13 dish and bake @ 350 degrees.

Glass- 20 min
Dark- 15 min


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