Friday, May 28, 2010

Random Avery Stuff!

Avery and Daisy have a love-hate relationship. Avery loves to get close to Daisy, and Daisy hates it when that happens! Well, unless Avery has drool all over her face, and then I have to keep Daisy from trying to "clean her." If Avery ever learns to crawl, Daisy better find a good hiding spot!
Avery thinks she looks good in sunglasses. She cried when I took them off of her!

She rode in the shopping cart seat for the first time last week. She liked it for about 5 minutes, and then she became her usual fussy self.

She is learning to use, well chew, on the phone. She has two, and she also likes to throw them in the floor, look at me and smile, and then cry until I give them back to her.

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