Tuesday, May 4, 2010

O Self, Where Art Thou?

Most days I feel like I'm lost. Where did the old me go? Probably lost somewhere between the nights that I used to be able to sleep and the days that I didn't wake up feeling nauseated. Sleep deprivation does some terrible things to your body. Avery is getting better though. Sometimes she sleeps through the night, and most other nights she only wakes up once. We still have the occasional night like this past Sunday night where I can't get her to sleep until 11PM, and then she's up at 1AM, 2:15AM, 4AM, and 6AM. I'm still trying to recover from that one. I am hoping that soon she will sleep regularly through the night, so my body will fully recover. My doctor diagnosed me with postpartum depression when Avery was 3 months old. He said that until I was able to get plenty of rest, my body would probably not be able to regulate itself properly. Stupid, stupid hormones! I can really tell a difference after a few nights of good rest. I am ready to be back to the old me that feels well enough to put on makeup every morning and not drag around all day. And, I'm ready to feel rested enough to exercise. I am so ready to be back into my old clothes. I've got a long way to go. I just cant bring my exhausted self to get on that machine though. Soon enough, soon enough! I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. We've just been busy. Sydney enjoyed going to her friend Anslee's birthday party recently. It was a princess party, so all the girls dressed as princesses. They got their faces painted. Right after the party, we had to go to a Daisy Daze program so she could fulfill the requirements to bridge up to Brownie Girl Scouts next year. She insisted on leaving the face paint on! Avery still does not have any teeth. She is working on it though. She chews everything, and tries her best to get both fists in her mouth at the same time! I took Avery for her 6 month check up last Friday. It wasn't as good of a report as I would have liked. She weighed 12lbs 10oz and was 20.5 inches long. The doctor is a little concerned about her weight. She's always been on the same growth curve since birth (between the 5th and 10th percentile). Well, she has fallen off now. So, we are increasing solids to three times a day. I am still nursing about 7 times a day, and I am offering a few ounces of formula after she nurses. Sometimes she'll take it, sometimes she won't. Anyway, we're trying everything short of spoon feeding lard to the child to fatten her up! Here's a video of her "hanging out" in her Jenny Jump Up. She doesn't jump in it. She just holds her legs up and hangs!

1 comment:

  1. sorry you have been so tired, your doing a great job though. I know how you feel most of the time. By the time you get done with the things you have to do, who feels like doing the things you wanted to. The weight thing is another, just dont come off like it use to. I have cut my calorie intake down to card board and I think I lost 1/2 a pound last week. Just about at the point of who cares. Avery is doing great, she is right where GOD needs her to be, I always hated that growth scale, if they dont follow it to a tee then the drs make you feel like you are not doing your job. She will grow when she is ready and then she will be like me and you and wish she could eat anything and not gain a pound
